Guilty Pleasure

I admit, I am a total sucker for reality TV. Survivor had me from the opening song. I prefer ones with some form of competition but I'll watch almost anything once. There is one show I was addicted to when I was pregnant with Ella. Believe it or not, I couldn't get enough of

Sixteen and Pregnant

Something about watching these young girls go through pregnancy and becoming mothers for the first time helped me through my third pregnancy. Even though I'd been there twice already I was rather nervous about what hitting the reset button was going to be like. Watching the show helped calm me and I knew if they could do it, I was going to rock it.

After Ella's arrival, my cravings for the show died and I had barely seen more than a minute or two of it since. Well, until tonight. I caught an episode and a half (until Pete had finally had enough and confiscated the remote).

It is funny, over two years later and these girls are the same: so optimistic their boyfriends will instantly become men, provide for them and they will be one big happy family finishing school together and living off a part-time, minimum wage job or two while playing dress up with their new baby. Of course while pregnant they can barely stay together, fight over money and responsibility, still think their parents know nothing, only to finally give birth and realize it is way harder than they ever dreamed possible.

And over two years later, I still get a little (well probably more than I should) satisfaction watching. I know that no matter what decisions I make or what life throws at me, if these 16 year old kids can make their situations work, I am going to be just fine.


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