Bye-bye Baby!

It is with zero regret that I kick 2012 to the curb. I am totally done. Today I hope to take down the tree, clean the house and leave the year behind us. Tomorrow starts a new day, a new year and even though I suck at resolutions, I will have more for 2013 than ever before.
  • Money: I'd like to have more of it. My 2013 goal is to stop pissing it away on little things and sock it away for things I really want. Packing my lunch more, less coffee in paper cups and more cooking at home.
  • Health: Last year I lost the Ella weight and this year, I put 10 lbs of back on. Hopefully with packing my lunch and cooking more, I will also be able to eat healthier and get back into a more regular exercise routine. I have been playing around with my EPulse2 and it is pretty interesting. I have never truly tracked the calories I burn in a day so I am pretty excited to see how this goes. I think tracking what I burn will be more motivation as I count what goes in.
  • Sanity: I need a schedule. I need to go to bed at a decent time, get in some exercise, time to cook, time to help the kids with homework and time to unwind. I haven't quite figured out how all that is going to work but less TV and leaving work at a set time are huge components of making my sanity a priority.
  • Fun: I have never taken myself too seriously and I have no intentions to start now. My goal in 2013 is to enjoy life, try new things and go to a few new places.

Wishing you all a very safe and Happy New Year. May your resolutions out last your hangovers. Mine probably won't kick in until after that so I should be good to go.


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