First, let me start by saying thank you for all the "likes" and kind words. Your support and encouragement means everything and makes my trek down the scale that much more tolerable. Keeping things bottled up led me to stress eating which got me to 245 pounds so sharing my progress, being open and brutally honest is the best way I know to fight the pounds and break the yo-yo cycle. I can only hope my words resonate with others and hopefully help them in their struggles too.

I have decided to play with my blog a bit as well as make it a bit easier for keeping my TryFection content fresh so while I may not blog every day, between Facebook, Instagram and the blog, I hope to share something:

  • Meal Mondays - Recipes
  • Tuesday Tips - Working Parent Diet Tips
  • Weigh-In Wednesday - Progress Report
  • Throwback Thursday - Personal Story/Struggle
  • Friday Finds - Products I found that I love
  • Saturday Snackin - Snack and Sweets Recipes
  • Sunday Sweatin - Workout stuff (probably me bitching about exercise 😉)
Since today is Wednesday, it is technically Weigh-In. Happy to say when I took my pics on Sunday and shared my update I was 219 pounds. 

Today, I am:

As I mentioned in my last post, I am doing what I call "Lazy Keto". I have tried almost every diet I can think of and I may do well for a few weeks, maybe even months but I always give up/lose interest/life and end up regaining the weight and usually add more. It is a gift really.

I truly believe you have to find what works for you. So far, this is the best thing I have found for me but it certainly isn't for everyone. And since I am not a medical professional, nutritionist or expert of any kind, please consult one of these people before starting any program. I did my homework with Google, Pinterest, a few books and then trial and error based on 26 years of dieting failures.

I needed something that:
  • made the numbers on the scale go down
  • I enjoyed eating
  • was easy to do at work, eating out and traveling
  • had meals my entire family would eat
  • wasn't too complicated or too much work
  • didn't feel like a diet
  • I could eat continuously for the rest of my life
  • contained things I could purchase at normal grocery stores
I can confidently say that Lazy Keto has checked all these boxes for me.

Keto is all about eating good fats with very minimal carbs so your body starts burning fat for fuel. I encourage you to do some reading on it and since there are people far smarter and better trained than I, I will let you all get your information from them. Mine came from the internet so...

Depending on the source these may vary and since I don't track what I eat or count macros, Lazy Keto is all about ballparking it. But here you go:

Shoot for:
70% fats
25% proteins
5% carbohydrates

The key is that the fats shouldn't be just whatever garbage you want, but it is more the clean eating fats. The closer to nature the fat is, the better it is for you (according to the internet and some books I read). This pic has one of my lunches. Couple slices of salami, olives, cheese and avocado for the fats. Some proteins in there too. And the carbs come from mostly the tomato though a smidge in the olives and avocado too I am sure. Fast, easy and filling.

Oh, and for carbs you only count net carbs. So veggies have a lot of fiber, right. You take the total carbs - fiber (and sugar alcohols) = net carbs

For Lazy Keto I pretty much give myself a free pass on non-starchy veggies. So no potatoes (of any kind), corn, peas, beans...I think that is it. Strict Keto folks probably watch their carrot and tomato intake as well, but on Lazy Keto I doubt I am going to overdose on those so I add them to my plate as I want.

Fruit is much higher in carbs and subtracting the fiber doesn't quite make them Lazy Keto friendly so I splurge maybe 1 or 2 meals a week on some berries (blue, black, rasp, straw...). If I am cutting Ella an apple, I may snag a slice now and then but again maybe once a week if even.

I love my girls' nights more than anything so while I have cut back on drinking alcohol, once or twice a month if I am out with friends, I will enjoy a glass or two of a Cab or vodka/soda water and a lime.

I also have a major sweet tooth. Once I gave up artificial sweeteners and that stuck for years, mostly because I was eating real sugar instead. Now I will eat some low-carb ice-cream or 2 pieces of sugar-free candy for my daily treat.

Breakfast is coffee with heavy cream (more cream than I should have, I am sure).
Lunch is something like the plate above. Typically meat and veggies. Sometimes eggs.
Dinner is also meat and veggies.
Snacks are nuts, olives, cheese, beef jerky, a keto friendly protein bar...

That is really about it. I try to remember to only eat when hungry not bored or stressed. I probably would have lost more faster if I did that more often. In the last 9 months I am sure I can count my workouts on my fingers so I am trying to add in at least 3 a week to get going.

Please reach out if you have any questions. I love to help people try this out. It has been a life changer for me and if I can help anyone else, that would make this all worth it.


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