Can I get an Amen?

Sorry, I just need to take a deep breath and say, Thank GOD it is Friday!!!!!

I am totally looking forward to this weekend. Not sure why exactly. We have 3 kids which = no life, no real plans outside of kid activities and cheering from the sidelines (which I will take hands down over coaching any day of the week).

I just want to unpack and sink back into my normal (crazy) routine. My goal is to sleep in (yes, all the way until 8:00 am if you can imagine that).

I want to soak up what is left of spring break. I think I love this special time of year more than my kids. Definitely more than I did when I was on spring break myself.

One of the biggest reality jolts of working full-time is when spring, summer or Christmas breaks roll around and you are trucking it into work everyday.

For years before my kids were school age I thought the joys of these breaks were long gone for me, but no. Here it is and it is truly a gift.

I get 2-3 hours of ME time a day during these breaks because I don't have to:
  • fight, struggle, argue or even think about homework
  • sort, review, or sign any papers
  • double check backpacks for missing items
  • pack lunches and snacks
  • worry that I have forgotten some memory-creating school event
  • dig through the closet to find whatever paper I stuck there before Alex's party that someone now needs
  • find change at the last minute for whatever fund raiser or field trip is happening
  • ensure uniforms are found, clean and ready to go
What do I do with my ME time? Sadly, last night I spent it watching the Jersey Shore Reunion. I didn't even watch the series, but it was such a train wreck, I couldn't turn it off.

What did you do this spring break?


Elizabeth said…
Lol.. what is a spring break?
Sarah said…
Welcome to the working world.

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